Worth The Pain

It's been long enough since we separated
Seven months gone by like a billion years
Can't even remember when I was last elated
I'm just soaked wet in the pool of my own tears

The wounds are still afresh, trying to heal
Somewhere in my heart, I think I knew
But I'd ignore the bad things that I would feel
And I thought somehow we made it...until now

Now I am suffocating 'cause of the memory
You ask me if it was worth the pain
I say only with him can I breathe freely
And I know my love couldn't just go in vain

I poured all my affection over him, all of my heart
I'd be lying if say I didn't get anything in return
The melody of his smiling lips was no less than art
Even though in the end it became so stern

I'm in the worst situation I can imagine
Yet I won't trade my past for the riches of the world
Maybe sometimes you have to lose if you want to win
Maybe you find true serenity only after your life's been twirled

I remember our passion hidden from your eyes
You don't know the feeling which still makes me smile
It makes up for all the breakdowns and cries
And when you ask me, I tell you it was worthwhile

Yeah, I know you've never seen me as such a mess
But believe me when I tell you I don't blindly defend
I know I'm now deprived of the magical happiness
As the story of him and I has come to an end

I lost the most beautiful thing I ever had
But at least I had it even if it was for a short time-span
I had the best days of my life with him so I'm just glad
And, no, I won't change a thing if I can

I had a love so precious, so pure and true
You see me wrecked on the floor and think I'm insane
I'm trying but I don't know how to get this to you
That if I had to love like this, I'll do it again

What I had with him, I have nothing to regret
If you never felt like this then I guess I can't explain
I wouldn't change anything on the day we met
So if you ask me I'll say that I'll do it again

P.S. This poem is about a girl who recently had a mutual breakup with her boyfriend. She is still very much in love with the idea of being in love. She recalls the beautiful moments she shared with her love. She is absolutely wrecked after the breakup but is not ready to complain. This poem is basically the girl defending her love when her friend asks her if the pain she is going through is really worth it or not.

Published by Smriti Sinha

Cricket aficionado. Bibliophile. Music lover. Aspiring sports journalist. Trying to live every moment to the fullest and unraveling the mysteries of life.

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