
It's like I have arrived at the doors of heaven
I feel a strong rush in adrenaline
Am I high above the vast sky?
It's so unnaturally beautiful, I could cry

I am swaying yet still on the ground
What's this strange kind of calm I've found?
A cool breeze sweeps the agitation off my face
I think I've reached another level of solace

I don't care if it turns windy and starts to storm
I haven't ever felt so safe, tranquil and warm
Something's making the air seem fragrant
The sky is visibly euphoric and vibrant

I fall down wishing I could preserve this feeling
This could be my secret I'm never revealing
I put my hands around the shiny source of magic
Ready to let go of everything sorrowful and tragic

Gulping down the enchanting nectar of ecstasy
Escaping this reality and drowning into fantasy
Down another one, down another time
You can't stop me now, I've experienced the divine

Oh, the power withheld by a single substance
I cannot give up this feeling without reluctance
Letting go of this calm is harder than I thought
I guess I'll just live with what I have brought

P.S. This poem is about the feeling of trying drugs for the first time. Initially, the feeling is ecstatic. But soon, the person realizes that giving up this addiction is unimaginably difficult. The person shows great remorse after this realization. Instead of trying to get over the addiction, he/she gives up. I wanted to start off with a vibrant, colorful vibe and end with in a dark note.

Please note that though I have written this poem, I have never tried anything like this. It is purely based on my imagination. I don’t endorse the use of such substances in any way. And one mustn’t give up if he does get addicted. Do not get inspired by this poem xD

Published by Smriti Sinha

Cricket aficionado. Bibliophile. Music lover. Aspiring sports journalist. Trying to live every moment to the fullest and unraveling the mysteries of life.

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