Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives

You watched movies as a child
You read comics of the heroes
Always wanted to save the world
And survive the mightiest of blows

Then you grew up to believe
It's too much responsibility to take
How to have the guts and confidence
When the entire planet is at stake?

So much has changed in these years
Now the times have become grave
Who doesn't want to be a hero?
But who can afford to be so brave?

Mother earth needs 7 billion heroes today
To fight the widespread corona-virus
For the first time in history we can win
If you are but a meter away from us

To fight the common pandemic enemy
You just have to stay hygienic at home
Lives will be saved as you sit on your couch
So don't unnecessarily go out and roam

Our forefathers were called to fight in the war
Recklessly blood was shed, lives were lost
You are only supposed to stay at home
Or else a thousand lives you'll cost

Read some books, watch a movie
Just stay strong and stay indoors
Don't complain, there's so much to do
Start with completing the household chores

Stay at home, stay safe and save lives
We have to win the fight against the flu
Take every necessary precaution
And then you can be a hero, too

Published by Smriti Sinha

Cricket aficionado. Bibliophile. Music lover. Aspiring sports journalist. Trying to live every moment to the fullest and unraveling the mysteries of life.

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