First of Many

Hello, fellow reader!

I am a 17 year old girl studying in 11th standard. I am a huge fan of cricket. Though I will never be able to repay this beautiful sport for shaping up my personality, I aspire to become a Sports Journalist and spend my time contributing in the field of cricket. I am absolutely terrible at playing the sport but I am always enthusiastic to watch a match.

By the way, I am really glad that you are reading this. I have been planning to start my own blog for about 3 years now. Today, I finally summed up the courage to publish my first piece of writing. I have always had a keen interest in writing and reading. I am a lover of novels, short stories, poetry and basically every form of writing. It gives me immense pleasure to see how different people are able to express their feelings and opinions in the most wonderful way. I do not consider myself as a very efficient writer. Nevertheless, I enjoy playing with words.

What took me so long if I was always excited about starting a blog? Well, I used to think that my writings were not good enough to be posted online. I believed that I should start a blog when I start writing like a professional. That never happened and I recently realized that that will not happen unless I step up. So I am finally stepping up and putting this up on the internet. I was also afraid of criticism. I found it unacceptable to receive negative remarks. I did not understand that it is most essential for the growth of a person. I appreciate constructive criticism now.

What to expect from my blog? Literally nothing, please! *giggles* Expectations often lead to disappointment. I am going to try and publish extremely normal things. Sometimes the most ordinary things are left underappreciated, no?! I want to express my general opinions on various topics through this platform. I would love to post my attempts at poetry. And fictional as well as non fictional stories. I don’t want to limit this blog to just one particular topic. I am pretty new to this so I hope that you, kind reader, will be patient with me! 🙂

Thank you!

Published by Smriti Sinha

Cricket aficionado. Bibliophile. Music lover. Aspiring sports journalist. Trying to live every moment to the fullest and unraveling the mysteries of life.

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