Beauty: A Matter Of Perception

Out of all the abstract nouns, the most widely yet wrongly used is ‘beauty’. The society has fabricated the concept of beauty and it has changed several times over the years. Beauty is talked about in terms of perfect external features now. People have started opting for plastic surgeries so that the society accepts them as ‘pretty’ which is pretty ridiculous. Beauty is a much wider concept. It is not simply limited to physical features. Ultimately, a person’s nature and character play a major role in making him truly beautiful. Altering one’s physical appearance through chemical and cosmetic means in order to become beautiful is futile. Being obsessed with our looks will take us nowhere. While it is certainly good to keep our bodies healthy and maintain personal hygiene, our world would not revolve around looks and physical appearances. A person who is kind and gentle will always have a naturally beautiful glow on his face without even applying highlighter or any other cosmetic products. Everything in this world is beautiful in one way or the other which, conclusively, makes beauty a matter of perception.

Published by Smriti Sinha

Cricket aficionado. Bibliophile. Music lover. Aspiring sports journalist. Trying to live every moment to the fullest and unraveling the mysteries of life.

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